September 4, 1906 - The Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL - Elberfeld Arrested
Highlanders Pass Sox
Second Game is Forfeited After a Row --Elberfeld Assaults O'Loughlin In First Contest.
Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean.
NEW YORK, Sept. 3.—After two exciting games the Highlanders beat the Athletics twice today and took the lead in the American league pennant race. As the White Sox dropped two games to Cleveland Griff's men now lead the league by two points.
After the New Yorks had tied the score in the ninth of the second game they were given the game by forfeit, owing to the persistent objections of the visitors to a decision of the umpire, who ruled that there was interference on a hit by Williams, which sent in the tying run.
After Silk.
In the ninth inning of the first game Kid Elberfeld of the Highlanders assaulted Umpire O'Loughlin in a decision on a stolen base. Elberfeld was arrested and left the grounds in custody of Captain Cottrell. The score was tied at the time. Murphy had reached second after being bit by a pitched ball and sacrificed ahead. Taking a good lead be darted for third and slid in.
Umpire O'Loughlin declared him safe and Elberfeld rushed at the arbitrator. He leaped at O'Loughlin feet first and spiked him in the leg. O'Loughlin dropped back and called for the police. Elberfeld rushed at him again, but a big policeman seized him and started to drag him away.
The umpire demanded the player's arrest and he was taken from the grounds in the police captain's charge. A few minutes later he succeeded in getting away from Cottrell and returned to the diamond.
Chases Elberfeld Off Field.
O'Loughlin refused to allow the game to go on until Elberfeld left the field, and the fiery shortstop again rushed at him. Griffith, who is under suspension, leaped out of a box, but was persuaded to refrain from taking any hand in the fray.
Policemen and players grabbed Elberfeld and dragged him toward the clubhouse. He was finally prevailed upon to leave the field. and under an escort of several of his team mates and a couple of bluecoats he disappeared into the little door in the right field wall.
Second Game is Forfeited After a Row --Elberfeld Assaults O'Loughlin In First Contest.
Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean.
NEW YORK, Sept. 3.—After two exciting games the Highlanders beat the Athletics twice today and took the lead in the American league pennant race. As the White Sox dropped two games to Cleveland Griff's men now lead the league by two points.
After the New Yorks had tied the score in the ninth of the second game they were given the game by forfeit, owing to the persistent objections of the visitors to a decision of the umpire, who ruled that there was interference on a hit by Williams, which sent in the tying run.
After Silk.
In the ninth inning of the first game Kid Elberfeld of the Highlanders assaulted Umpire O'Loughlin in a decision on a stolen base. Elberfeld was arrested and left the grounds in custody of Captain Cottrell. The score was tied at the time. Murphy had reached second after being bit by a pitched ball and sacrificed ahead. Taking a good lead be darted for third and slid in.
Umpire O'Loughlin declared him safe and Elberfeld rushed at the arbitrator. He leaped at O'Loughlin feet first and spiked him in the leg. O'Loughlin dropped back and called for the police. Elberfeld rushed at him again, but a big policeman seized him and started to drag him away.
The umpire demanded the player's arrest and he was taken from the grounds in the police captain's charge. A few minutes later he succeeded in getting away from Cottrell and returned to the diamond.
Chases Elberfeld Off Field.
O'Loughlin refused to allow the game to go on until Elberfeld left the field, and the fiery shortstop again rushed at him. Griffith, who is under suspension, leaped out of a box, but was persuaded to refrain from taking any hand in the fray.
Policemen and players grabbed Elberfeld and dragged him toward the clubhouse. He was finally prevailed upon to leave the field. and under an escort of several of his team mates and a couple of bluecoats he disappeared into the little door in the right field wall.