July 16, 1903 - The Washington Post - BASEBALL CASE IN COURT.
Nationals Seek to Prevent Elberfeld Playing with the Americans.
New York:, July 15 - Counsel for the National Baseball League appeared before Justice Greenbaum. in the Supreme Court to-day, and asked that the hearing in the case of the New York National League Baseball club against Norman Elberfeld the shortstop be postponed until Monday. The case is to prevent Elberfeld playing with the New York American club. Counsel declared that the attorney for the American League had in- tervened on the part of that lealgue and had presented new matter, which would make it impossible to proceed with the original argument at the present time. The adjournment was granted on counsel agreeing that the injunction preventing Elberfeld from playing with the New York American League club should be inoperative in the meantime.
Nationals Seek to Prevent Elberfeld Playing with the Americans.
New York:, July 15 - Counsel for the National Baseball League appeared before Justice Greenbaum. in the Supreme Court to-day, and asked that the hearing in the case of the New York National League Baseball club against Norman Elberfeld the shortstop be postponed until Monday. The case is to prevent Elberfeld playing with the New York American club. Counsel declared that the attorney for the American League had in- tervened on the part of that lealgue and had presented new matter, which would make it impossible to proceed with the original argument at the present time. The adjournment was granted on counsel agreeing that the injunction preventing Elberfeld from playing with the New York American League club should be inoperative in the meantime.