Articles about Kid Elberfeld
Batting Stance Guy; A Love Letter to Baseball By Gar Ryness, Caleb Dewart · - Short, disrespectful comments on Kid Elberfeld
Characters from the Diamond: Wild Events, Crazy Antics, and Unique Tales from Early Baseball - Ronald T. WaldoRowman & Littlefield, Mar 17, 2016 - 278 pages
The Deacon and the Schoolmaster: Phillippe and Leever, Pittsburgh's Great Turn-of-the-Century Pitchers
Robert Peyton Wiggins
Mentions Norwood and Clarkesville.
Robert Peyton Wiggins
Mentions Norwood and Clarkesville.
Field of Screams: The Dark Underside of America's National Pastime - Richard Scheinin - W. W. Norton & Company, 1994