Relatives in Print - Kid was by far the most famous person in the family, but his siblings and children also made the news
September 3, 1897 -Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania) - Page 2 - Wesley Elberfeld is a ball player after George Talley and Stallings' own heart. He has on playing quilification that ranks over all others in the Stallings' estimation. Elberfeld has traveled to first base over 80 times this year after being plinked by pitched balls. Elberfeld is likely to wear a Philadelphia unifrom ater the Atlantic-League season ends.
February 22, 1904 - The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio) - Page 6 - Wesley Elberfeld's Ambition. - "Wes" Elberfeld, brother of Norman, and early diamond tutor of the New York Association's infielder, has made up his mind to take the professional plunge. He has directed amateur teams hereabouts for years, and was Bond Hill's baseball "papa." Elberfeld, the elder, is looking around for some managerial field to occupy.
December 9, 1910 - The Washington Herald (Washington, District of Columbia) - Page 24 - Norman and Jack go to a show
March 29, 1919 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas)- Traveler Boss Expected Soon - Jack rides horse from Mississippi to Arkansas
April 24, 1919 - Daily Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Horseback Ride
August 8, 1919 - Daily Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 9 - J. Elberfeld Gets Bump - Jack is Victim of 3-2 Defeat of Moose by Stuttgart - Stuttgart, Aug. 7. - The Stuttgart boys outhit the Little Rock Moose team here today and won a close and exciting game, 3 to 2. Jack Elberfeld, the pitching son of Kid Elberfeld of the Little Rock Travelers, was the victim of the Stuttgurt punch. Jack was found for nine hits, with the little Rock players could only get six hits off rice.
September 12, 1919 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 18 - Jack Elberfeld, son of Norman Elberfeld, manager of the Little Rock Southern League baseball club, may enter high school. (Little Rock high school Tigers). Elberfeld is an end and last season was selected on the All-Southern Secondary team. He played with the Baylor school's team in Chattanooga. He weighs 160 pounds.
September 19, 1919 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 19 - Although the baseball season is over the name Elberfeld still plays a prominent part in local athletics. Jack Elberfeld, son of the Traveler manager, Kid Elberfeld, is a member of the Little Rock High School football team. Although it is early in the season Elberfeld's work has been excellent and he probably will have little trouble in winning a regular berth on the Tiger eleven. Jack probably will play in the backfield and do the team's punting.
September 19, 1919 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 19 - Elberfeld's Nephew Here - Capt. Jack Uhrig, stationed at Camp Grant, Ill., and his wife and daughter are the guests of Norman Elberfeld, manager of the Travelrs, and Mrs. Elberfeld. Captain Uhrig is the Kid's nephew. He saw service overseas. Prior to entering the service Captain Unrig was an athlete of note in the East.
February 9, 1920 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Manager Elberfeld of the Travelers declares he is now running a hospital. Four members of the Kid's family are down with the flu. Mrs. Elberfeld has been sick several days, but is getting along nicely. New patients are Misses Edith, Ruth, and Dorothy Elberfeld. The Kid announced Monday morning that all were getting along nicely and probably would be out in a few days.
September 6, 1921 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 7 - Jack Elberfeld, son of the Traveler's boss, and Joe Zoellers, brother of Frankie Zoellers, and himself a ball player, were the umpires. Both performed creditably - a whole lot better than the Southern League's ump who have worked here.
April 18, 1922 - The New York Times - Ball Players in Fight
June 18, 1922 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 3 - Miss Elberfeld Wins Bathing Beauty Prize - Daughter of Traveler Boss Captures Honors at White City Carnival - Miss Marion (Miriam) Elberfeld, daughter of Norman A. "Kid" Elberfeld, Traveler pilot, was declared winner of the first prize of $25 in the American Leagion's bathing beauty contest at the water carnival and moving picture ball Friday afternoon at the formal opening of the White City natatorium. (indoor pool.) Miss Edith Elberfeld won the swimming race for senior girls, and Miss Ruth Elberfeld won the junior event.
October 22, 1922 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 4 - Nineteen young women recently the Red Cross Life Saving course. Ruth Elberfeld, 12 years old, the youngest member of the calss, did excellent work and successfully passed the requirements for an adult certificate, but on account of her age received a junior's certificate, pin and emblem. One of the oustanding feats Ruth performed in the course was bringing to shore a 150-pound man through the water a distance of 50 years, towing him in four different ways as prescribed by the requirements of the course. All of which was a remarkable feat for such a small girl. Edith Elberfeld made the highest grade in the class, but every girl of the 19 displayed remarkable ability in the water.
February 23, 1923 - Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Page 15 - Elberfeld Family Camping Trip
February 11, 1929 - The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa) - Elberfeld Sisters Ruled Ineligible
June 29, 1930 - The Springfield Leader (Springfield, Missouri) - Two Elberfeld Girls to Come for Exhibitions - Springfield (MO) finally is going to stage that big water carnival. It'll be at Doling park lake. Dorothy and Ruth Elberfeld, daughters of the Midgets' manager and national champion divers and swimmers will be brought here for an exhibtion, according to present plans. The girls live at Chattanooga, Tenn., and would be great attraction in Springfield. They hold about every aquatic title in the south between them, and annually compete in every national swimming and diving meet all over the country.
April 27, 1933 - The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) - Page 5 - Plan Girl Scout Week - For the third consecutive year Nashville Girls Scouts will camp at the Chattanooga Girl Scout camp, 32 miles west of Chattanooga, it was announced recently. The official camp staff is composed of.. Miss Edith Elberfeld, Chattanooga, pioneering.
January 16, 1978 - News-Press (Fort Myers, Florida) - Page 16 - Obituary of Miriam Elberfeld Walker