The Question: What do you think of The Times Junior High track meet?
The Answers:
No. 1. Miss Nan Elberfeld, Coach Lookout Junior High—The idea of
The Times Junior High track meet is a good one. There will be a lot of good competition and fast events. With The Times behind it the meet ought to be one of the best of the season. I have about thirty out in uniform every afternoon working on the various events, and will have a bigger squad when the real practice
gets started. We have only been out about a week.
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Miss Nan Elberfeld
The Question: What do you think of The Times Junior High track meet?
The Answers:
No. 1. Miss Nan Elberfeld, Coach Lookout Junior High—The idea of
The Times Junior High track meet is a good one. There will be a lot of good competition and fast events. With The Times behind it the meet ought to be one of the best of the season. I have about thirty out in uniform every afternoon working on the various events, and will have a bigger squad when the real practice
gets started. We have only been out about a week.
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Miss Nan Elberfeld