December 19, 1911 - Vancouver Daily World, BC - Kid Elberfeld to Chicago
Tuesday, December 19, 1911.
It was definitely ascertained today that Norman Elberfeld, the "Tobasco Kid," last year third baseman for the Washington Americans, will be with the Chicago White Sox in 1912, Comiskey having refused to waive on him. The
veteran third sacker is expected to be a tower of strength to Jimmy Callahan's cohorts; he is in company he likes, and when he feels in the mood can put up a game with the very best or them.
It was no criticism of Elberfeld's playing which caused his release by Griffith, but a desire to maintain harmony in the Washington club. Griff is about the livest specimen of the human crab in captivity, but Elberfeld runs him a close second for the honor when he gets a grouch in his craw. To nip any clash between the two In its incipiency, it was thought. best for the good of all concerned that Elberfeld should cavort in fresh pastures next year.
It was definitely ascertained today that Norman Elberfeld, the "Tobasco Kid," last year third baseman for the Washington Americans, will be with the Chicago White Sox in 1912, Comiskey having refused to waive on him. The
veteran third sacker is expected to be a tower of strength to Jimmy Callahan's cohorts; he is in company he likes, and when he feels in the mood can put up a game with the very best or them.
It was no criticism of Elberfeld's playing which caused his release by Griffith, but a desire to maintain harmony in the Washington club. Griff is about the livest specimen of the human crab in captivity, but Elberfeld runs him a close second for the honor when he gets a grouch in his craw. To nip any clash between the two In its incipiency, it was thought. best for the good of all concerned that Elberfeld should cavort in fresh pastures next year.
NOTE: The article had a picture that appeared solid black. Kid Elberfeld did NOT play for Chicago.