March 31, 1911 - The Ogdensburg journal - Veteran Player to Attempt Great Feat
Washington, - March 30.—Kid Elberfeld will make an attempt to catch a ball thrown from Washington monument here the latter part of May. Unlike Backstops Street and Sullivan, who wore big mitts in catching balls thrown from the monument, Elberfeld will wear a fielder's glove. The Nationals' third sacker has received permisson from the authorities to attempt the feat. Manager McAleer does not approve of the veteran's attempt. He fears that a little misjudgment of the ball would result in the forced retirement of Elberfeld. Last fall Billy Sullivan stated that even with a large mitt the sting was terrible. How Elberfeld will fare with just a fielders' glove is problematical.
Washington, - March 30.—Kid Elberfeld will make an attempt to catch a ball thrown from Washington monument here the latter part of May. Unlike Backstops Street and Sullivan, who wore big mitts in catching balls thrown from the monument, Elberfeld will wear a fielder's glove. The Nationals' third sacker has received permisson from the authorities to attempt the feat. Manager McAleer does not approve of the veteran's attempt. He fears that a little misjudgment of the ball would result in the forced retirement of Elberfeld. Last fall Billy Sullivan stated that even with a large mitt the sting was terrible. How Elberfeld will fare with just a fielders' glove is problematical.