Other Elberfelds in Germany and America
Most Elberfelds in America claim that Kid Elberfeld was a distant cousin. I have tried for years to find a connection among the different Elberfeld families in America. As far as I can tell, most connections go back to before 1700 in Germany.
There are several other early Elberfeld immigrants that I cannot connect to the Lambsheim Elberfelds.
Clement Elberfeld lived in Ironton, Ohio, and fought in the Civil War. He appears in the census for 1860. There is a slight chance he is Clemens August Elberfeld, born in Bakum, Oldenburg, Germany in 1813. His wife might be Bernadina Elberfeld, who died in Ironton June 8, 1884. It is interesting he ended up so close to Pomeroy, yet does NOT seem to be a close relative. His last name is often spelled Eberfeld.
Another Elberfeld family started by Adam Elberfeld were also early settlers in the Ironton area. Adam, the immigrant, had a son Adam born in 1860 who died in Ironton on Nov 11, 1934. Somehow these two families must be related, but I have no information on it. Because John Reuter (husband of Eva Elberfeld, Kid Elberfeld's aunt) went Ironton, there must be some connection there.
A Julius Elberfeld, born in Germany in 1874, had children, Josephine and Ruth E., who died in Cincinnati, OH.
August Elberfeld, born in Germany in 1863, had a son, Julius, who was born in Ohio in 1897.
There were Elberfeld families in Wisconsin and New York City. One Elberfeld family lived in Tonawanda, NY for a time.
Currently there are about 80 Elberfelds with listed phone numbers on the Internet. Part of my genealogy challenge is to see how they are all related to each other, although I know think the connections might be several generations back in Germany.
If you have ANY information, or any interest in this information, please contact me at [email protected]. Since I use Family Tree Maker to store this information, I am looking for:
Birth date and location
Death date and location
Spouse name:
Birth date and location
Death date and location
Marriage date and location
Source of information - and similar information for children and parents.
AND anything else you can share about anyone related to the Elberfelds.Thanks.
Below is the original information about early Elberfeld genealogy I used to jump to the conclusions expressed in the previous work.
From Lambsheim, Die Famillien von 1547 bis 1800, Heimatstelle Pfalz, 675 Kaiserslautern, Museumsplatz 1, 1971, Druck und Verlag: F. Arbogast, Otterbach-Kaiserslautern
386 oo Peter E.,k,un Anna Maria NN,x err 1723,+L 13.5.1802. Kdr:Philipp,x Hettenleidelheim um 1741,(387(.-Kath.,868).-Jakob,x um 1751 (388).-wohl Joh. - Leonhard,x um 1742,(389).-wohl Adam,x um 1763,(390)
387 oo 27.5.1777 PhilippE.,k,(aus 386),Tagner,BgA 2.1.1778, x Hettenleidelheim,err 1741,+L 16.2.1818, 77J.,und Maria Elis.Fuß,k,(aus 524),o 12.3.1754
388 oo 25.5.1779 Jakob E.,k,(aus 386)x um 1751, Ack,un Kath. Dorothea Süß.k(wohl aus 1954),x err 1761,+ 2.3.1804, 43J. Trauzeugen:Joh.Phil.Elberfeld, und Reinhard Süß.Kdr,k:A.Marg.,o+ 23.6.1782.-marg.,x 22.8.1783,+ 19.10.1843,oo 1806 Joh.Kaspar Súß.-Anna Maria,x 28.2.1786, oo Heinr.Kühn.-Phil.,o 27.12.1788.-Joh.Phil.,o 11.3.1791,+ 26.3.1791.-Marg.,o 1792.-Kath.x 1796,+1797
389 oo Leonhard E.,k (aus 386) Tagl.,Ack,x um 1742,lebt 1815, und Sus.A.Marg.Kuppelmeyer,k,(aus 1109),x 8.8.1762,+15.3.1807, 44J.
Kdr,k:A.Maria,x 31.10.1785,+ 8.11.1856,oo 1811 Joh.Peter Bauer.-Jakob,o 11.10.1786.-Joh.,x 26.4.1789,+ 11.6.1851,oo 1815 M.Marg.Müller.-Marg.,x 5.3.1807,+26.6.1807
390 ooAdam E.,k,(aus 386),Tagl.,x um 1763 Magd.Koob. Kd,k:Anna Maria xo19/20.10.1799
868 oo 22.4.1777 Joh.Phillip J.k,(aus 865)Ackm,o 23.1.1752, und Katharina Elberfeld,k,(aus 386),
655 o-oMagdalen G.,luth,(s 653),und Joh.Adam Elberfeld,.k.Kd.k:Anna Marg.,o 9.5.1785,+6.8.1785 12Wch.
1438 o-o Apollonia N.,kvon Weisenheim am Sand,(Tv Peter N.,Kirchheimblanden),x Großkarlbach err 1758,+L 5.3.1810,52 J alt, und Johannes Elberfled,k,Soldat.
Kd.k:Maria Barbara,x 11.4.1783,+28.5.1783
ooL 30.3.1815 Joh. E., k, Ack, xL 26.4.1789, (aus 389), und M. Marg. Múller, x Grooßniedesheim 23.8.1789, (Tv Jak. M, und Charlotte Kraus, + G)
Kdr. Eva, x 7.10.1815. -Christina, x 20.9.1817. -Peter, x 1819, + 1820. -Joh., x 23.5.1821, +Mannheim 13.2.1837. -Peter, x 1824 + 1826. - Fdch., x 6.10.1827, Magd., x+ 1830. -Phil. x 1831. -Jakob, x 1834.
Bg - Bürger
BgA - Bürgeraufnahme
Ack - Besitzer von Äckern (owner ?)
Ackm - Ackersmann
Tv - Tochter von (daughter of)
err - errechnet (calculated)
Kdr - Kinder (children)
kd - Kind (child)
k - katholisch (Catholic)
L - Lambsheim
x od.* geboren (born)
o getauft (baptized)
oo getraut (trusted, dares)
o-o unehelich (illegitimate)
+ gestorben (dead)
= (vor Daten) begraben (buried)
Joh. - Johannes
Phil. - Philipp
Jak. - Jakob
Pet. - Peter
Mar. - Margareta
M. - Maria
A. - Anna
Elis. - Elisabeth
From www.FamilySearch.com: Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v4.01 Germany - This is every Elberfeld listing for Bayern, and the pieces fit together well.
Hettenleidelheim - First Generation
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Margaretha CANNII
Marriage: 12 Oct 1716 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joes Petrus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 8 May 1718 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jois Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 6 Dec 1722 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Maria Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 15 Jul 1725 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria
Morgarita ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Joannes ZIMMERMANN
Marriage: 9 Jan 1752 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Constantinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 26 Feb 1728 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Gerardus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 10 Jan 1733 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Margretha
Anna Maria ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 2 Apr 1735 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Catharina
Jacobina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 20 Oct 1737 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Mariae Margarethae
Hettenleidelheim - Second GenerationPeter ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Anna Maria HERMAENNIN
Marriage: 29 Jun 1744 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joes Leonardus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 14 Sep 1745 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Philippus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 1 May 1747 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Anna Mariae
Philipp ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Elisabeth FUSS
Marriage: 27 May 1777 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Willhelmus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 20 May 1749 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 31 Aug 1750 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Anna Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 19 Jun 1752 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 12 Feb 1756 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Marriage: 22 Apr 1777 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Moria Gerdrutis ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 1 Oct 1753 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Martialis ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 20 Jun 1758 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Joannes Adamus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 9 Oct 1759 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 25 May 1763 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother:
Christening: 6 Aug 1764 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Nicolaus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 29 Jul 1766 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Maria Barbara ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Nov 1768 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Annam Margaretham ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Casparum SUESS
Marriage: 29 Apr 1806 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Lambsheim - Third + Fourth GenerationsAnna Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Mar 1807 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Leonardi ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae KUPPELMAIER
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Margareth MUELLERIN
Marriage: 9 Apr 1815 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Christening: 7 Oct 1815 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLERIN
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Sep 1836 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Mother: Evae ELBERFELD
Marriage(s): Spouse: John REUTER
Marriage: Abt. 1838 Lambsheim, Pfz, Bayern
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 20 Sep 1817 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Christening: 24 Oct 1819 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 24 May 1821 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Christening: 11 Apr 1824 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joanne_ ELBERFELD Mother: Margaretha MUELLER
Fridericus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 7 Oct 1827 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 9 Apr 1830 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUILLER
Philippus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 30 Apr 1831 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUILLER
Phillip ELBERFELD Sex: M
Birth: 1831 , Bayern
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 19 Jun 1834 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Bad Duerkheim - Second GenerationConstantinus
Marriage(s): Spouse: Dorothea BANDELIN
Marriage: 8 Jan 1761 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 3 Jul 1761 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Dorotheae
Joannes Adamus EneheFELD Sex: M
Christening: 26 Aug 1763 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Dorotheae
Constantinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Catharina Apollonia SEIBERTIN
Marriage: 7 Feb 1779 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Carolus Ludovicus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 21 Dec 1779 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Catharinae Apolloniae
Bad Duerkheim - Third GenerationCatharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 12 Jun 1797 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 21 Oct 1798 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 24 Oct 1800 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 3 Nov 1802 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sussannae
Xtina Josepha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Franciscus FREY
Marriage: 15 Oct 1822 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Valentinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Anna Christina TRUEBIN
Marriage: 18 Oct 1735 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Christening: 6 May 1737 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Christinae
Cde stening: 8 Sep 1739 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Christinae
Maria Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 1 Dec 1743 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Xtinae
Misc - People who don't fit in Lambsheim
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 24 Nov 1806 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Mother: Annae Mariae ELBERFELD
Birth: 17 Mar 1819 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacob ELBERFELD Mother:
Jacobum ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Eleonoram Johannam SPECHT
Marriage: 23 Nov 1838 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Other placesAnna Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 15 Apr 1786 Katholisch, Freinsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Adamus ELBERFELD Mother: Sibyllae BLOS
Maria Magdalena ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 3 Aug 1794 Katholisch, Hessheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacobi ELBERFELD Mother: Catharinae LAMSCHEIMENSIUM
Joannes Wilhelmus EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Eva SCHUSTER
Marriage: 10 Sep 1786 Roemisch-Katholische, Bossweiler, Pfalz, Bayern
Joannes Willhelmus EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Eva SCHUSTER
Marriage: 10 Sep 1786 Bistum Katholisch, Worms, Rheinhessen, Hessen
Francisca EBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 22 Jul 1787 Roemisch-Katholische, Bossweiler, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis Willhelmi EBERFELD Mother: Mariae Evae
Catharina EBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 2 Jul 1834 Evangelisch, Mimbach, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacob EBERFELD Mother: Catharina LEIBROCK
Ullerich Christian EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Elisabetha SPEISER
Marriage: 14 May 1829 Vital, Contwig, Pfalz, Bayern
Christian EBERFELD Sex: M
Birth: 18 Dec 1835 Evangelisch Reformierte, Contwig, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Ulrich EBERFELD Mother: Elisa. SPEISER
Lots of Elberfelds. If you have ANY information, please contact me.
There are several other early Elberfeld immigrants that I cannot connect to the Lambsheim Elberfelds.
Clement Elberfeld lived in Ironton, Ohio, and fought in the Civil War. He appears in the census for 1860. There is a slight chance he is Clemens August Elberfeld, born in Bakum, Oldenburg, Germany in 1813. His wife might be Bernadina Elberfeld, who died in Ironton June 8, 1884. It is interesting he ended up so close to Pomeroy, yet does NOT seem to be a close relative. His last name is often spelled Eberfeld.
Another Elberfeld family started by Adam Elberfeld were also early settlers in the Ironton area. Adam, the immigrant, had a son Adam born in 1860 who died in Ironton on Nov 11, 1934. Somehow these two families must be related, but I have no information on it. Because John Reuter (husband of Eva Elberfeld, Kid Elberfeld's aunt) went Ironton, there must be some connection there.
A Julius Elberfeld, born in Germany in 1874, had children, Josephine and Ruth E., who died in Cincinnati, OH.
August Elberfeld, born in Germany in 1863, had a son, Julius, who was born in Ohio in 1897.
There were Elberfeld families in Wisconsin and New York City. One Elberfeld family lived in Tonawanda, NY for a time.
Currently there are about 80 Elberfelds with listed phone numbers on the Internet. Part of my genealogy challenge is to see how they are all related to each other, although I know think the connections might be several generations back in Germany.
If you have ANY information, or any interest in this information, please contact me at [email protected]. Since I use Family Tree Maker to store this information, I am looking for:
Birth date and location
Death date and location
Spouse name:
Birth date and location
Death date and location
Marriage date and location
Source of information - and similar information for children and parents.
AND anything else you can share about anyone related to the Elberfelds.Thanks.
Below is the original information about early Elberfeld genealogy I used to jump to the conclusions expressed in the previous work.
From Lambsheim, Die Famillien von 1547 bis 1800, Heimatstelle Pfalz, 675 Kaiserslautern, Museumsplatz 1, 1971, Druck und Verlag: F. Arbogast, Otterbach-Kaiserslautern
386 oo Peter E.,k,un Anna Maria NN,x err 1723,+L 13.5.1802. Kdr:Philipp,x Hettenleidelheim um 1741,(387(.-Kath.,868).-Jakob,x um 1751 (388).-wohl Joh. - Leonhard,x um 1742,(389).-wohl Adam,x um 1763,(390)
387 oo 27.5.1777 PhilippE.,k,(aus 386),Tagner,BgA 2.1.1778, x Hettenleidelheim,err 1741,+L 16.2.1818, 77J.,und Maria Elis.Fuß,k,(aus 524),o 12.3.1754
388 oo 25.5.1779 Jakob E.,k,(aus 386)x um 1751, Ack,un Kath. Dorothea Süß.k(wohl aus 1954),x err 1761,+ 2.3.1804, 43J. Trauzeugen:Joh.Phil.Elberfeld, und Reinhard Süß.Kdr,k:A.Marg.,o+ 23.6.1782.-marg.,x 22.8.1783,+ 19.10.1843,oo 1806 Joh.Kaspar Súß.-Anna Maria,x 28.2.1786, oo Heinr.Kühn.-Phil.,o 27.12.1788.-Joh.Phil.,o 11.3.1791,+ 26.3.1791.-Marg.,o 1792.-Kath.x 1796,+1797
389 oo Leonhard E.,k (aus 386) Tagl.,Ack,x um 1742,lebt 1815, und Sus.A.Marg.Kuppelmeyer,k,(aus 1109),x 8.8.1762,+15.3.1807, 44J.
Kdr,k:A.Maria,x 31.10.1785,+ 8.11.1856,oo 1811 Joh.Peter Bauer.-Jakob,o 11.10.1786.-Joh.,x 26.4.1789,+ 11.6.1851,oo 1815 M.Marg.Müller.-Marg.,x 5.3.1807,+26.6.1807
390 ooAdam E.,k,(aus 386),Tagl.,x um 1763 Magd.Koob. Kd,k:Anna Maria xo19/20.10.1799
868 oo 22.4.1777 Joh.Phillip J.k,(aus 865)Ackm,o 23.1.1752, und Katharina Elberfeld,k,(aus 386),
655 o-oMagdalen G.,luth,(s 653),und Joh.Adam Elberfeld,.k.Kd.k:Anna Marg.,o 9.5.1785,+6.8.1785 12Wch.
1438 o-o Apollonia N.,kvon Weisenheim am Sand,(Tv Peter N.,Kirchheimblanden),x Großkarlbach err 1758,+L 5.3.1810,52 J alt, und Johannes Elberfled,k,Soldat.
Kd.k:Maria Barbara,x 11.4.1783,+28.5.1783
ooL 30.3.1815 Joh. E., k, Ack, xL 26.4.1789, (aus 389), und M. Marg. Múller, x Grooßniedesheim 23.8.1789, (Tv Jak. M, und Charlotte Kraus, + G)
Kdr. Eva, x 7.10.1815. -Christina, x 20.9.1817. -Peter, x 1819, + 1820. -Joh., x 23.5.1821, +Mannheim 13.2.1837. -Peter, x 1824 + 1826. - Fdch., x 6.10.1827, Magd., x+ 1830. -Phil. x 1831. -Jakob, x 1834.
Bg - Bürger
BgA - Bürgeraufnahme
Ack - Besitzer von Äckern (owner ?)
Ackm - Ackersmann
Tv - Tochter von (daughter of)
err - errechnet (calculated)
Kdr - Kinder (children)
kd - Kind (child)
k - katholisch (Catholic)
L - Lambsheim
x od.* geboren (born)
o getauft (baptized)
oo getraut (trusted, dares)
o-o unehelich (illegitimate)
+ gestorben (dead)
= (vor Daten) begraben (buried)
Joh. - Johannes
Phil. - Philipp
Jak. - Jakob
Pet. - Peter
Mar. - Margareta
M. - Maria
A. - Anna
Elis. - Elisabeth
From www.FamilySearch.com: Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v4.01 Germany - This is every Elberfeld listing for Bayern, and the pieces fit together well.
Hettenleidelheim - First Generation
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Margaretha CANNII
Marriage: 12 Oct 1716 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joes Petrus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 8 May 1718 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jois Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 6 Dec 1722 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Maria Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 15 Jul 1725 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria
Morgarita ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Joannes ZIMMERMANN
Marriage: 9 Jan 1752 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Constantinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 26 Feb 1728 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Margaretha
Gerardus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 10 Jan 1733 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Margretha
Anna Maria ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 2 Apr 1735 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Maria Catharina
Jacobina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 20 Oct 1737 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Sebastiani ELBERFELD Mother: Mariae Margarethae
Hettenleidelheim - Second GenerationPeter ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Anna Maria HERMAENNIN
Marriage: 29 Jun 1744 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joes Leonardus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 14 Sep 1745 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Philippus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 1 May 1747 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Anna Mariae
Philipp ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Elisabeth FUSS
Marriage: 27 May 1777 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Willhelmus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 20 May 1749 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 31 Aug 1750 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Anna Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 19 Jun 1752 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 12 Feb 1756 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Marriage: 22 Apr 1777 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Moria Gerdrutis ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 1 Oct 1753 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Martialis ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 20 Jun 1758 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Joannes Adamus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 9 Oct 1759 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 25 May 1763 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother:
Christening: 6 Aug 1764 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Moriae
Nicolaus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 29 Jul 1766 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Maria Barbara ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Nov 1768 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Petri ELBERFELD Mother: Annae Mariae
Annam Margaretham ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Casparum SUESS
Marriage: 29 Apr 1806 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Lambsheim - Third + Fourth GenerationsAnna Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Mar 1807 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Leonardi ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae KUPPELMAIER
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Margareth MUELLERIN
Marriage: 9 Apr 1815 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Christening: 7 Oct 1815 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLERIN
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 6 Sep 1836 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Mother: Evae ELBERFELD
Marriage(s): Spouse: John REUTER
Marriage: Abt. 1838 Lambsheim, Pfz, Bayern
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 20 Sep 1817 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Christening: 24 Oct 1819 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 24 May 1821 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Christening: 11 Apr 1824 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joanne_ ELBERFELD Mother: Margaretha MUELLER
Fridericus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 7 Oct 1827 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Margaretha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 9 Apr 1830 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUILLER
Philippus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 30 Apr 1831 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUILLER
Phillip ELBERFELD Sex: M
Birth: 1831 , Bayern
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 19 Jun 1834 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Margarethae MUELLER
Bad Duerkheim - Second GenerationConstantinus
Marriage(s): Spouse: Dorothea BANDELIN
Marriage: 8 Jan 1761 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Joannes ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 3 Jul 1761 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Dorotheae
Joannes Adamus EneheFELD Sex: M
Christening: 26 Aug 1763 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Dorotheae
Constantinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Catharina Apollonia SEIBERTIN
Marriage: 7 Feb 1779 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Carolus Ludovicus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 21 Dec 1779 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Constantini ELBERFELD Mother: Catharinae Apolloniae
Bad Duerkheim - Third GenerationCatharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 12 Jun 1797 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 21 Oct 1798 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 24 Oct 1800 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sophiae
Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 3 Nov 1802 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis ELBERFELD Mother: Sussannae
Xtina Josepha ELBERFELD Sex: F
Marriage(s): Spouse: Franciscus FREY
Marriage: 15 Oct 1822 Roemisch-Katholische, Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Valentinus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Anna Christina TRUEBIN
Marriage: 18 Oct 1735 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Christening: 6 May 1737 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Christinae
Cde stening: 8 Sep 1739 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Christinae
Maria Catharina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 1 Dec 1743 Katholisch, Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Valentini ELBERFELD Mother: Xtinae
Misc - People who don't fit in Lambsheim
Jacobus ELBERFELD Sex: M
Christening: 24 Nov 1806 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Mother: Annae Mariae ELBERFELD
Birth: 17 Mar 1819 Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacob ELBERFELD Mother:
Jacobum ELBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Eleonoram Johannam SPECHT
Marriage: 23 Nov 1838 Sankt Stefanus Katholisch, Lambsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Other placesAnna Christina ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 15 Apr 1786 Katholisch, Freinsheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Adamus ELBERFELD Mother: Sibyllae BLOS
Maria Magdalena ELBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 3 Aug 1794 Katholisch, Hessheim, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacobi ELBERFELD Mother: Catharinae LAMSCHEIMENSIUM
Joannes Wilhelmus EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Eva SCHUSTER
Marriage: 10 Sep 1786 Roemisch-Katholische, Bossweiler, Pfalz, Bayern
Joannes Willhelmus EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Eva SCHUSTER
Marriage: 10 Sep 1786 Bistum Katholisch, Worms, Rheinhessen, Hessen
Francisca EBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 22 Jul 1787 Roemisch-Katholische, Bossweiler, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Joannis Willhelmi EBERFELD Mother: Mariae Evae
Catharina EBERFELD Sex: F
Christening: 2 Jul 1834 Evangelisch, Mimbach, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Jacob EBERFELD Mother: Catharina LEIBROCK
Ullerich Christian EBERFELD Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Maria Elisabetha SPEISER
Marriage: 14 May 1829 Vital, Contwig, Pfalz, Bayern
Christian EBERFELD Sex: M
Birth: 18 Dec 1835 Evangelisch Reformierte, Contwig, Pfalz, Bayern
Parents: Father: Ulrich EBERFELD Mother: Elisa. SPEISER
Lots of Elberfelds. If you have ANY information, please contact me.