July 29, 1907 - The Pittsburgh Press - Likely to Trade "Kid" Elberfeld
The Pittsburgh Press -Jul 29, 1907
Griffith May Send Him To the Washington Club In Exchange for Patten or Altizer
Washington, July 29.—The announcement that Frank Farrell had indefinitely suspended "Kid" Elberfeld for indifferent playing with the New York Americans brought to an abrupt termination talk of Washington trading Patten for him but there still remains the strong probability that Patten will go to New York on some other terms if Elberfeld is not soon reinstated.
"I wouldn't think of interfering with the discipline of another club." said Manager CantIlion. of the Washingtons today. "If the New York Club wanted to get rid of Elberfeld we would be willing to talk business, but we won't think of a dicker for the "Kid" as long as he is under suspension.
"Some trouble breeder has started the report in New York that I have tampered with Elberfeld and that he is lying down in order to make Griff let him come to Washington.
"Nobody is fool enough to believe that Elberfeld is a man who gets grouches at times and if I could persuade him to sulk in his work to join Washington I would always be expecting him to do the same thing with me in order to get somewhere else."
New York. July 29.—The suspension of Shortstop Elberfeld was the subject of much discussion in baseball circles today, and the decisive action of President Farrell met with general commendation. Mr. Farrell says he will support Griffith in every move he may make and has given his manager a freer hand than ever in handling the players.
The reason for Elberfeld's grouch is still as much of a mystery as ever. Doubtless the disgruntled players' suspension will be lifted whenever he goes to Manager Griffith and tells him he will go in and play his game. There are many fans who favor the sale or exchange of Elberfeld, and the securing of some well seasoned and strong player like Altizer of the Washintons.
Conroy is needed in the outfield. for Rickey has not made a shining success as guardian of left field. Keeler may he out for another week, as his injured finger is slow in healing.
Griffith May Send Him To the Washington Club In Exchange for Patten or Altizer
Washington, July 29.—The announcement that Frank Farrell had indefinitely suspended "Kid" Elberfeld for indifferent playing with the New York Americans brought to an abrupt termination talk of Washington trading Patten for him but there still remains the strong probability that Patten will go to New York on some other terms if Elberfeld is not soon reinstated.
"I wouldn't think of interfering with the discipline of another club." said Manager CantIlion. of the Washingtons today. "If the New York Club wanted to get rid of Elberfeld we would be willing to talk business, but we won't think of a dicker for the "Kid" as long as he is under suspension.
"Some trouble breeder has started the report in New York that I have tampered with Elberfeld and that he is lying down in order to make Griff let him come to Washington.
"Nobody is fool enough to believe that Elberfeld is a man who gets grouches at times and if I could persuade him to sulk in his work to join Washington I would always be expecting him to do the same thing with me in order to get somewhere else."
New York. July 29.—The suspension of Shortstop Elberfeld was the subject of much discussion in baseball circles today, and the decisive action of President Farrell met with general commendation. Mr. Farrell says he will support Griffith in every move he may make and has given his manager a freer hand than ever in handling the players.
The reason for Elberfeld's grouch is still as much of a mystery as ever. Doubtless the disgruntled players' suspension will be lifted whenever he goes to Manager Griffith and tells him he will go in and play his game. There are many fans who favor the sale or exchange of Elberfeld, and the securing of some well seasoned and strong player like Altizer of the Washintons.
Conroy is needed in the outfield. for Rickey has not made a shining success as guardian of left field. Keeler may he out for another week, as his injured finger is slow in healing.