May 25, 1931 - Chattanooga Daily Times - Marriage of Miriam Elberfeld
Patten Chapel Scene of Nuptia! Ceremony.
Friends From Little Bock, Birmlngham, Qreeneville and Knoxville Present. -
The wedding of Miss Miriam Elberfeld and Curtis Alderson Walker took place yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the Patten Memorial chapel of the University of Chattanooga, with Dr. E. Bums Martin, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
The bride la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Elberfeld and a sister of Misses Nan, Edith and Dorothy Elberfeld, Mrs. Donald Overmyer and Jack Elberfeld. She attended Henderson-Brown college in Arkkdelphia, Ark., and Is an honor graduate of the University of Chattanooga. She Is a member of Alpha, honor scholastic fraternlty; Sigma Tau Delta, honor literary fraternity; Beta Beta, national honor biology fraternity, and Pi Beta Phi, national social fraternity. She Is also member of Kosmos Woman's club and of the American Association of Unlverslty Women. She Is an expert swimmer, basket ball player and tennis player. This year she has been a member of the Anna B. Lacey school faculty.
Mr. Walker Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker and Is a brother of Miss Edith Walker, John B. Walker, James E. Walker, Jr., and Walter Walker. He Is a graduate of the University of Chattanooga and is a member of Phi Delta Signa fraternity. He Is connected with the Bernard Tobacco warehouse, of Greenevllle, Tenn.
The bride was given In marriage by her father, Norman A. Elberfeld. Attendants were Mrs. Marguerite Morten, of Little Rock, Ark., maid of honor; Misses Nan, Edith and Dorothy Elberfeld and Mrs. Donald Overmyer, brldes-maids; Marjorie Ann Patton, flower girl; John B. Walker, best man; James E. Walker, Jr., Park Bernard, of Knoxville; Frank Gass, Jr., of Greenevllle, Tenn.; Fred Hixson, Marvin Morris and Reese Walters, ushers. Miss Dorothy Wilber presided at the organ. Miss Katherine Wilkey sang the wedding solos.
The brides dress was of pale green lace, made with full skirt and bolero jacket of net and lace. She wore a small beige hat of horsehair with green ribbon and green and yellow flowers. Her slippers were beige moire. Her flowers were yellow snapdragons and yellow roses tied with yellow satin ribbon. The maid of honor wore rose beige lace. The bridesmaids wore lace dresses and hats In the pastel shades and carried bouquets of garden flowers. The little flower girl was dressed in an old-fashioned costume of blue net. She carried an old-fashioned nosegay. The chapel was decorated with pink rambler roses and daisies against a background of greenery. - Tall floor baskets were filled with the daisies. White tapers were burned In wrought Iron candelabra.
The open Bible was placed on the altar, which was covered with a lace cloth. Pews for members of the two families and for members of the PI Beta Phi fraternity were marked with tulle. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. Walker and his bride left for a motor trip. For traveling, the bride wore a suit of black and yellow .crepe, with black hat and black slippers. Upon their return they will reside In Chattanooga. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. Charles Rentrop and Mrs. Marguerite Morten, of Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bodlne and Miss Janice Bodlne, of Birmingham; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gass, Frank Oass, Jr., Miss Charlotte Gass,
CLIPPED FROM Chattanooga Daily Times Chattanooga, Tennessee 25 May 1931, Mon • Page 6
Patten Chapel Scene of Nuptia! Ceremony.
Friends From Little Bock, Birmlngham, Qreeneville and Knoxville Present. -
The wedding of Miss Miriam Elberfeld and Curtis Alderson Walker took place yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the Patten Memorial chapel of the University of Chattanooga, with Dr. E. Bums Martin, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
The bride la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Elberfeld and a sister of Misses Nan, Edith and Dorothy Elberfeld, Mrs. Donald Overmyer and Jack Elberfeld. She attended Henderson-Brown college in Arkkdelphia, Ark., and Is an honor graduate of the University of Chattanooga. She Is a member of Alpha, honor scholastic fraternlty; Sigma Tau Delta, honor literary fraternity; Beta Beta, national honor biology fraternity, and Pi Beta Phi, national social fraternity. She Is also member of Kosmos Woman's club and of the American Association of Unlverslty Women. She Is an expert swimmer, basket ball player and tennis player. This year she has been a member of the Anna B. Lacey school faculty.
Mr. Walker Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker and Is a brother of Miss Edith Walker, John B. Walker, James E. Walker, Jr., and Walter Walker. He Is a graduate of the University of Chattanooga and is a member of Phi Delta Signa fraternity. He Is connected with the Bernard Tobacco warehouse, of Greenevllle, Tenn.
The bride was given In marriage by her father, Norman A. Elberfeld. Attendants were Mrs. Marguerite Morten, of Little Rock, Ark., maid of honor; Misses Nan, Edith and Dorothy Elberfeld and Mrs. Donald Overmyer, brldes-maids; Marjorie Ann Patton, flower girl; John B. Walker, best man; James E. Walker, Jr., Park Bernard, of Knoxville; Frank Gass, Jr., of Greenevllle, Tenn.; Fred Hixson, Marvin Morris and Reese Walters, ushers. Miss Dorothy Wilber presided at the organ. Miss Katherine Wilkey sang the wedding solos.
The brides dress was of pale green lace, made with full skirt and bolero jacket of net and lace. She wore a small beige hat of horsehair with green ribbon and green and yellow flowers. Her slippers were beige moire. Her flowers were yellow snapdragons and yellow roses tied with yellow satin ribbon. The maid of honor wore rose beige lace. The bridesmaids wore lace dresses and hats In the pastel shades and carried bouquets of garden flowers. The little flower girl was dressed in an old-fashioned costume of blue net. She carried an old-fashioned nosegay. The chapel was decorated with pink rambler roses and daisies against a background of greenery. - Tall floor baskets were filled with the daisies. White tapers were burned In wrought Iron candelabra.
The open Bible was placed on the altar, which was covered with a lace cloth. Pews for members of the two families and for members of the PI Beta Phi fraternity were marked with tulle. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. Walker and his bride left for a motor trip. For traveling, the bride wore a suit of black and yellow .crepe, with black hat and black slippers. Upon their return they will reside In Chattanooga. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. Charles Rentrop and Mrs. Marguerite Morten, of Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bodlne and Miss Janice Bodlne, of Birmingham; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gass, Frank Oass, Jr., Miss Charlotte Gass,
CLIPPED FROM Chattanooga Daily Times Chattanooga, Tennessee 25 May 1931, Mon • Page 6