NEW YORK, May 8. Tim Hurst, one of Ban Johnson's indicator holders, and Kid Elberfeld of the New York Americans had a squabble yesterday which took place at American league park and is the conversational topic of the fans today.
Elberfeld slid into the plate on a long fly and thought he was safe. Hurst said out. Elberfeld lost control of himself and began to poke his finger against Hurst's chest protector while handing out a long line of talk about the umpire's eyesight.
Hurst hit Elberfeld in the jaw with the heel of his hand. Elberfeld started to draw his hand back to smash the umpire but walked away. The incident closed in a second or two but it is reported today that Elberfeld is to be suspended by the league officials. If he draws a term for his action, it is reported today, charges will be preferred against Hurst. Stallings will not discuss the matter today while Hurst declared It was a subject he could not talk about.
NEW YORK, May 8. Tim Hurst, one of Ban Johnson's indicator holders, and Kid Elberfeld of the New York Americans had a squabble yesterday which took place at American league park and is the conversational topic of the fans today.
Elberfeld slid into the plate on a long fly and thought he was safe. Hurst said out. Elberfeld lost control of himself and began to poke his finger against Hurst's chest protector while handing out a long line of talk about the umpire's eyesight.
Hurst hit Elberfeld in the jaw with the heel of his hand. Elberfeld started to draw his hand back to smash the umpire but walked away. The incident closed in a second or two but it is reported today that Elberfeld is to be suspended by the league officials. If he draws a term for his action, it is reported today, charges will be preferred against Hurst. Stallings will not discuss the matter today while Hurst declared It was a subject he could not talk about.