February 16, 1908 - The New York Times - SPRING TRAINING FOR LOCAL TEAMS
Players Begin Southern Move- ment to Prepare for Base- ball Season
Giants Not Far Behind Their Rivals Getting Into Harness - Many New Men to be Tried Out.
With the first squad of local baseball players on their way to the Spring training ground, the fans will soon begin figuring on the chances of their favorites in the coming championships. Jack Chesbro, William Keeler, William Hogg, and Jack Kleinow are now en route to join Manager Clark Griffith of the Yankees at Hot Springs, Ark., where the player-manager is located with Jake Stahl, Norman Elberfeld, Al Orth, Joe Doyle, Charley Hemphill, and Branch Rickey, the four latter named having joined Griffith last Thursday.
It is Griffith's intention to remain with the players about two weeks, and in that time he will keep them busy in order that they will be ready to help out the remaining members of the team when they report for practice. The majority of the players who have reported are veterans. These will be prepared for the general gathering that occurs at Atlanta early in March.
Griffith is due to report In this city about Feb. 26 for the schedule meetings and to transact other business of Importance to the club. He will hurry through the assignment and get back to Atlanta.' for the round-up on March 8, on which date practically the entire squad of Yankees will be on duty. In the lot will be several twirlers who will be returned to the minor leagues.
According to Secretary Nahon, the team will remain at Atlanta until April 4,1 when camp will be broken. During that time a majority of the games to be played will be against the Atlanta Southern League team, varied with clashes in which the Georgia School of Technology Bald the Athens team will furnish opposition. The Toledo American Association team Is scheduled for two games with the Yankees at Chattanooga on March 28 and 24. After quitting Atlanta the team will be divided and play in Roanoke and Richmond on April 6. reuniting for a game against Lynchburg on April 7. Then will come two gaiter with Baal, more on April 8 and 9, Princeton on April 10, Jersey City on April 11, New- ark on April 12. and home for a final practice on April 13, the day before the pennant season opens.
Players Begin Southern Move- ment to Prepare for Base- ball Season
Giants Not Far Behind Their Rivals Getting Into Harness - Many New Men to be Tried Out.
With the first squad of local baseball players on their way to the Spring training ground, the fans will soon begin figuring on the chances of their favorites in the coming championships. Jack Chesbro, William Keeler, William Hogg, and Jack Kleinow are now en route to join Manager Clark Griffith of the Yankees at Hot Springs, Ark., where the player-manager is located with Jake Stahl, Norman Elberfeld, Al Orth, Joe Doyle, Charley Hemphill, and Branch Rickey, the four latter named having joined Griffith last Thursday.
It is Griffith's intention to remain with the players about two weeks, and in that time he will keep them busy in order that they will be ready to help out the remaining members of the team when they report for practice. The majority of the players who have reported are veterans. These will be prepared for the general gathering that occurs at Atlanta early in March.
Griffith is due to report In this city about Feb. 26 for the schedule meetings and to transact other business of Importance to the club. He will hurry through the assignment and get back to Atlanta.' for the round-up on March 8, on which date practically the entire squad of Yankees will be on duty. In the lot will be several twirlers who will be returned to the minor leagues.
According to Secretary Nahon, the team will remain at Atlanta until April 4,1 when camp will be broken. During that time a majority of the games to be played will be against the Atlanta Southern League team, varied with clashes in which the Georgia School of Technology Bald the Athens team will furnish opposition. The Toledo American Association team Is scheduled for two games with the Yankees at Chattanooga on March 28 and 24. After quitting Atlanta the team will be divided and play in Roanoke and Richmond on April 6. reuniting for a game against Lynchburg on April 7. Then will come two gaiter with Baal, more on April 8 and 9, Princeton on April 10, Jersey City on April 11, New- ark on April 12. and home for a final practice on April 13, the day before the pennant season opens.