March 26, 1931 - Blytheville Courier News, AR - Jackie Mitchell Story
Lookouts to Sign Girl Pitching Star
CHATTANOOGA, Term., Mar. 20. (UP)—Jack Mitchell, 17. Chattanooga' girl, faced the prospect today of being the first woman in history of organized baseball to join a regular going
Her first assignment (incidentally, will be to pitch to none other than George Herman "Babe" Ruth of the New York Yankees when the Chattanooga Lookouts play the Gotham team here next week. Miss Mitchell is a southpaw who attended the famous Kid Elberfeld baseball school at Atlanta this spring. The Lookouts will offer her a contract and she will start practice here in a few days, management of the club announced.
CHATTANOOGA, Term., Mar. 20. (UP)—Jack Mitchell, 17. Chattanooga' girl, faced the prospect today of being the first woman in history of organized baseball to join a regular going
Her first assignment (incidentally, will be to pitch to none other than George Herman "Babe" Ruth of the New York Yankees when the Chattanooga Lookouts play the Gotham team here next week. Miss Mitchell is a southpaw who attended the famous Kid Elberfeld baseball school at Atlanta this spring. The Lookouts will offer her a contract and she will start practice here in a few days, management of the club announced.