1915 - Chattnooga
April 28, 1915 - The Ogdensburg Journal - Elberfeld Joins Chattanooga - Picture
*July 26, 1915 - The Ogdensburg Journal - McCormick Made Scout. - Harry McCormick, the former pinch hitter of the New York Giants, has been relieved of the management of the Chattanooga team of the Southern association in order to scout for the club for the remainder of the season. McCormick became manager of Chattanooga at the beginning of 1914. Kid Elberfeld, who has been field captain of the team, will succeed McCormick for the remainder of the season.
September 13, 1915 - The New York Times - Umpires Arouse Spectators. - Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 12 - Showers of pop bottles from the grandstand greeted unpopular decisions by Umpires Pfenninger and Breitenstein during the second game of a Southern League double-header today between Chattanooga and Nashville here, and the game was forfeited to the visitors. Manager Elberfeld of Chattanooga, at the finish climbed into the grandstand, took a bottle away from a spectator, who had hit on the head, and was beginning an offensive campaign of his own when players interfered and escorted him from the field.
September 23, 1915 - The Ogdensburg journal. (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) - Kid Going Good. - Norman Elberfeld, "Tobasco Kid" of the old days, has all the renowned pep to this day. Elberfeld has won a home at Chattanooga. Since succeed- ing Harry McCormick as manager he has won more games and lost less, with the Lookouts, than any club in the league. His club won seven consecutive shut outs.