July 22, 1929 The Frederick Post (Frederick, Maryland) - Merriwell's Courage in Crisis Is Sport's Big Thrill
Merriwell's Courage in Crisis Is Sport's Big Thrill
By Wm. M. Braucher
NEA Service Sports Writer
Call it the old Frank Merriwell if you want to, but in the crisis, when a man must either win or lose by a single move, it is most often courage and courage alone that will see it through.
Other players have had it - ever since one day when some old Tarzan of th caves organized the first quoits league - or maybe it duck on the rock or stone tennis.
Billy Evans, American League umpire for 20 years had it in his first game in the big leagues when the hard-boiled veteran, Kid Elberfeld came tearing at him after a close decision at first and the youngster from Youngstown stood his ground and gave the tough Old Kid just as good as he sent.
By Wm. M. Braucher
NEA Service Sports Writer
Call it the old Frank Merriwell if you want to, but in the crisis, when a man must either win or lose by a single move, it is most often courage and courage alone that will see it through.
Other players have had it - ever since one day when some old Tarzan of th caves organized the first quoits league - or maybe it duck on the rock or stone tennis.
Billy Evans, American League umpire for 20 years had it in his first game in the big leagues when the hard-boiled veteran, Kid Elberfeld came tearing at him after a close decision at first and the youngster from Youngstown stood his ground and gave the tough Old Kid just as good as he sent.